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Current status
A big question is of course what the current status of the game is. Let's first start with the good stuff. At this moment, the single player game is very far advanced, and nearly ready. Things that have to be done here is finishing some bossmonster graphics and music, and converting the music from Moonsound to FM. Beside this, we are also working on beautifying the levels in single player game some more to look a lot cooler! But fortunately, most of this can wait a bit. At this moment, our priority is finishing the betaversion for our playtesters, so they can test the gameplay so the whole game can be tuned to maximum gaming fun!
More stuff to polish
We're currently working on the villages, and all this is progressing nicely. After this some bossmonsters may need minor finetuning, but that shouldn't be that hard. The biggest hole at this moment is the demo parts. At this moment, there are no intro or enddemo's yet, so after the base game has been finished, that's our main priority. The multiplayer mode for the game also needs some work, but that's not too big a problem fortunately.
Wanna know even more?
If you're interested in the features of Bombaman, I won't mention them here again, because you all probably already know them by heart. In stead visit our Bombaman HQ, you can read all about it there! Especially the features page is a good place to start, but Arjan's History of Bombaman is also a good starting place.
Famous last words
Now I can clearly hear the question everybody is asking: 'when will the game be released?'. To be honest, we don't really know. After having had a lot of deadlines (and always failing to meet them , we decided it's best not to mention any dates anymore! The game will be finished when we think it's finished enough! Nobody likes a half-finished game, and we want to make a game to the best of our abilities, and rushing it will do nobody any good . Let's just say that the game will be ready 'somewhere in 2003'.
Why are things really going so slow?
The reason for all this delay?! It's easy: just starting on the game, and not keeping in mind all the things you want to add later on anyways Originally a simple multiplayer game, it soon turned out that it's very hard to add new features to a game engine that's already finished and working! Also, coming up with cool new ideas to enhance the game when you're still busy on inserting the latest new features doesn't help either. Also, when JPR joined, suddenly gameplay became a lot more important than before, and again new things had to be added.
Planning, planning and more planning!
For all future game developers that want to make a game that can turn out to be as big as Bombaman (if we knew beforehand it would get so big we might not even have started it ), heed these words: plan, plan, plan some more, plan again, and replan before you start!. Seriously, Bombaman could have been ready by a year if we had the team we have now back when we started. Also, if we've had some planning sessions before development was started, there would have been no need to have the lengthy discussions about new features and a lot of trouble implementing these new features we're having now. A good solution is to first gather a good team together, then talk about what kind of game you want, what features should be in, and what features shouldn't, and work out as much as you can beforehand. Trust us, we know what we're talking about, and won't make the same mistake again
Finally, the end!
Finally, don't forget to visit our Bombaman HQ if you want to stay updated on the progress we're making, or if you want to download Bombaman goodies. Also, after the game has been released, the Bombaman HQ is the place to go to swap levels!
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